Moteur3D::AppStarter_3DApplication | AppStarter_3DApplication is an application starter that gives you the required minimum to start an application. It consists in a blank window, functions to handle this window as well as inputs (mouse and keyboard) and events (resize, draw...). Most if not all of these functions are overridable |
Moteur3D::AppStarter_ObjectViewer | AppStarter_ObjectViewer is an application starter that gives you the required minimum to start an application, plus some features. It consists in a window displaying an orthonormal base that you can rotate around using the mouse, functions to handle this window as well as inputs (mouse and keyboard) and events (resize, draw...). Most if not all of these functions are overridable |
Moteur3D::BaseLogger | Base class for handling logging. Every logger should derive from this class |
Moteur3D::BaseTexture | |
Moteur3D::BasicANSIFont | |
Moteur3D::BasicANSIFont::Glyph | |
Moteur3D::Camera | The Camera class is designed to provide simple transformations in situations where you want your scene to be "filmed" from a position and in a specified direction. This is the most common situation |
Moteur3D::FileLogger | This logger simply outputs everything into a file |
Moteur3D::IEventManager | IEventManager is an abstract class that guarantees to the Window class that any implementation of IEventManager will handle every event the Window instance will trigger |
Moteur3D::IFont | |
Moteur3D::ITexture | |
Moteur3D::KeyPressed | Structure that remembers which special keys are held down |
Moteur3D::MasterTimer | MasterTimer class is (or should be) an "invisible" class for the application. It only cares of managing the timers' tick times. Internally it stores each timer in a TimerEntry structure that holds a pointer to the timer itself, and the absolute time it will tick. All these TimerEntry instances go into an ordered priority queue, which means only (n+1) checks are made each frame, where n is the number of timer for which the countdown is elapsed. So no matter how many timers that are currently running |
Moteur3D::MasterTimer::compareEntries | Just a function that order our TimerEntry instances |
Moteur3D::MasterTimer::TimerEntry | TimerEntry is the internal data structure MasterTimer manipulates. There's no reason for it to be used for other purposes |
Moteur3D::Math | The Math class is a placeholder for general math functions |
Moteur3D::Matrix2 | Matrix2 handles 2D matrix operations |
Moteur3D::Matrix3 | |
Moteur3D::Matrix4 | |
Moteur3D::MemoryAllocator | The MemoryAllocator class allows you to allocate a whole memory block at once and distribute it when needed. Its main purpose is to remove the malloc overhead each time you want to allocate and deallocate memory |
Moteur3D::MouseInformations | This structure holds all the mouse states available through the program |
Moteur3D::Quaternion | |
Moteur3D::SGLeaf | |
Moteur3D::SGNode | |
Moteur3D::SGTransformation | |
Moteur3D::SphericalCamera | The SphericalCamera class is an enhancement of its base Camera class. It provides functionnalities for rotating the camera around its destination point and nearing it |
Moteur3D::TestResult | |
Moteur3D::Timer | The Timer class is the base class that will allow you to implement your own timers. It works in an easy way : set the delay (in milliseconds) with SetDelay(), call Start(), and when the time is elapsed, the OnTick() event will be triggered. The resolution of this timer is about 15-20 milliseconds, and depends on the framerate : at 60fps, the resolution is about 16ms. It should be more than enough for most applications |
Moteur3D::UIBaseComponent | This class is the base class for all the UI windows components |
Moteur3D::UIBaseWindow | The class UIBaseWindow represents a fully functional 2D window inside our application. It supports display, dragging and adding component, but not yet resizing. Its default interface is simple and quite ugly, nevertheless it's been made with evolution in mind, and can the class itself can easily be derived in order to change its look and behavior |
Moteur3D::UICButton | Basic button that holds clicks |
Moteur3D::UICCloseButton | Close button, derived from UICButton, that sends a close request when clicked |
Moteur3D::UICLabel | |
Moteur3D::UserInterface | This class is responsible for the management of the whole 2D interface management. It include adding and removing windows, checking mouse events and focus change, as well as displaying windows. It must be linked to the window manager |
Moteur3D::Vector2 | The Vector2 class represents a 2-dimensions vector |
Moteur3D::Vector3 | The Vector3 class represents a 3-dimensions vector |
Moteur3D::Vector4 | The Vector4 class represents a 4-dimensions vector |
Moteur3D::Window | |
Moteur3D::WindowsWindowParams | Parameters Windows(tm) needs in order to display a window |